Friday, August 28, 2009


I don't know what I have been doing the last three months.
Have had brief episodes of creativity. Will post floral photos soon.
Hope you are all well!

Saturday, June 13, 2009

When the Mind Dulls

I wonder when people say they can create anything; is that true? I can not, or so it seems, turn "it" on or off. My process is intuitive. I feel an urge and I have to do some thing that satisfies my creative urges. Lately, I have been lacking, in what I can not say. If the process is there I can produce without stopping. Sometime, however, there is an empty well.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

A Leader and not a Follower -- a real dilemma

Just today I had a revelation about self. Speaking to a client about a future floral project revealed something I knew but -- perhaps -- did not see as problematic.

As a professional landscaper and general horticulturist of long-standing, I use my intuition and client knowledge to design for them gardens, floral projects, or related arts and crafts. I am usually right on target, too, with the final result.

What does one do, however, when you work for a friend and find they want to take the lead when you would rather they not? What you want is to work alone, knowing the final result will bring praise. I don't have those answers right now but need to find them.

I am not speaking about an ego of great proportion; not at all. I use my experience of many, many years and intuition. Intuition is key for the creative process. It is nothing you have to think about; what comes from it is real.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Floral Creations

Part of this creative mind is expanding my horticultural knowledge. Floral classes have taken me a long, long way in this process and, as a bonus, the addition of self-confidence. Amazing what can happen when you let go of doubts.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

FLOB -- floral object

Here is my latest creation. The bag made from hemp, bamboo, and raphia. I love it!
Another idea from my brain to my hands. Now I just need to sell some!!

The Creative Process

The creative process is essential in my life. I don't know where I would be without it. Ideas come to me, in an instant, and I must act. Now.

I hear all the time, Are you going into a new business? I shake my head and say, No, I just like to create. If someone wants me to make something: jewelry, hand constucted purses, floral designs . . . I will. If I get paid, that is an added bonus.

I am wondering what happens between the creative and the selling process. This is an area -- a limbo, really -- where I find myself.