Tuesday, June 2, 2009

A Leader and not a Follower -- a real dilemma

Just today I had a revelation about self. Speaking to a client about a future floral project revealed something I knew but -- perhaps -- did not see as problematic.

As a professional landscaper and general horticulturist of long-standing, I use my intuition and client knowledge to design for them gardens, floral projects, or related arts and crafts. I am usually right on target, too, with the final result.

What does one do, however, when you work for a friend and find they want to take the lead when you would rather they not? What you want is to work alone, knowing the final result will bring praise. I don't have those answers right now but need to find them.

I am not speaking about an ego of great proportion; not at all. I use my experience of many, many years and intuition. Intuition is key for the creative process. It is nothing you have to think about; what comes from it is real.

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